02 July 2010

Local News: Reverse Garbage on the move!

I recently read an article in the Westender and discovered that one of brisbanes waste recycling centres is in need of a new home. Located in West End, this not for profit organisation is one of my favourite places to go. A thriving epicenter for recycled materials, Reverse Garbage provides all the necessary odds and ends that many artists need to create their work, myself included. Due to its highly successful nature and the ever increasing amounts of recycled material that it gets each and everyday, the team has decided to relocate to larger premises. If there is anyone out there that could suggest some possible locations in West End or knows of anyone that might be willing to accommodate such an enterprise please contact Reverse Garbage on (07) 3844 9744 or email them at www.reversegarbage.com.au

I have attached the article itself below if anyone would like to read for themselves.

Co-op needs a new home

Victim of it's own success: Iconic West End co-operative Reverse Garbage searches for a new home

Local not for profit co-operative, Reverse Garbage, is searching for new premises in the South Brisbane area as its business expands beyond its current premises capacity.

Reverse Garbage is a workers co-operative that has been based on Montague rd, West End for over a decade. The not-for-profit salvages industrial discards and off-cuts from the waste stream for reuse in the community.

The organisation has become a victim of its own success and now needs to find new premises to meet storage requirements and expand its environmental education program and they are calling out to the local community for leads.

“It was through the benevolence of the previous owner of our site on Montague Rd that Reverse Garbage was initially able to start up. Now that we are in a position to purchase our own building we hope to find an equally generous warehouse owner in the South Brisbane area who believes in our work as much as we do and wants to support it.” said co-director of seven years Bill Ennals.

Reverse Garbage was set up ten years ago to support the work of Friends of the Earth. On the same site on Montague rd lives their sister organisation the Bicycle Revolution, also a not-for-profit cooperative. The three organisations are partnering with another Brisbane based not-for-profit, Foresters Community Finance, to help them purchase their own building. Foresters specialises in helping community groups gain financial sustainability.

The group have big aspirations for the future including the first urban environmental education centre in Australia, which will build on the successful environmental education work of Reverse Garbage, Bicycle Revolution and Friends of the Earth. A wholefoods café, an artist in residence and an expanded collection of salvaged materials are also planned; the only thing missing is an appropriate site at the right price.

“We love being part of the West End community and would like to stay in the area when we move” said Mr Ennals

If you have any leads on large warehouse properties for Reverse Garbage please call (07) 3844 9744 or look up www.reversegarbage.com.au

To invest in the project through Foresters Community Finance call (07) 3257 3166